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Fabric chart depicting the liturgical colors of the Sundays of the Episcopal Church. A large orange arrow points to a red segment.

Sunday School, and Children's Choir & Bible Study

Epiphany’s Sunday school meets during the Sunday service. Children start with their families in the church and then move into a small group to focus on one of the Bible readings assigned for that Sunday.

The Children's Choir and Bible Study meets on Thursday evening.


Please contact the church office for more details about either of these groups.

The Sunday Chats program takes place the second Sunday of each month following the Holy Eucharist service as part of the coffee hour embellished as lunch.  The chat takes place with a parishioner knowledgeable in the topic being considered or a guest involved in a timely activity such as the resettlement of refugees.

Wooden carving of leaves and berries

Sunday Chats

Wooden carving of leaves


A half-hour devotional service based on the Taize model of chants, prayers, Bible readings and silence takes place every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the church. The service uses the book, “Songs & Prayers from Taize.”

The Silent Prayer group meets every Sunday at 2pm and every Wednesday at 1:30pm in the church. This group is inspired by the Quaker tradition of meeting together to pray in silence.

Portrait of George Fox (1624 - 1691)

Silent Prayer

Hot Air Balloons

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is held every Thursday at 10:30am in the church. The service lasts about 30mins.

Going back more than two decades, Epiphany’s weekly Bible study is held on Thursday mornings at 11 am and begins with a brunch provided by the participants. It began as a study for men at breakfast, then became co-ed and then moved to the later time. “Our study is informal, and the participants have a lot of fun relating the biblical text to modern life,” says the longtime teacher Fred Phillips, a New Mexico Tech professor emeritus.

English Breakfast

Brunch & Bible Study


Find us across from the Tech library in Socorro, NM. More details...


Telephone: (575) 835-1818

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