Sunday Services
We celebrate the Holy Eucharist at most of our Sunday worship services as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church. The services always include the Ministry of the Word with readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Epistles in the New Testament and the Gospels followed by a sermon, the Prayers of the People and Holy Communion. If our vicar cannot be present, the service becomes Morning Prayer.
Our services are formal, aim to be uplifting and filled with hymns and other music. We use the “The Hymnal 1982” of the Episcopal Church and “Gather Comprehensive” a hymnal and service book including folk-style music. Accompaniment is provided on our historic organ or a grand piano and by guitars.
Volunteers who assist at our worship services, some being trained for their roles, are the:
Worship Teams
Those who light the altar candles, carry the cross in the processional, and on occasions bear torches and banners.
Lay Assistants
Those who help serve the consecrated bread and wine at Communion.
Those who read the assigned scripture lessons and are the intercessors for the Prayers of the People.
Those who extend a friendly welcome to arriving worshipers.
Altar Guild
Those who care for the altar, its linens and vessels and the clergy vestments.
"Lovestreaming" Team
Those who operate the sound system and stream services to Facebook.
Music Groups
“The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul,” believed the preeminent German composer and organist Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750.
His words express the aim of Epiphany’s music ministry that consists of the following:

Adult Choir
The adult choir usually has weekly rehearsals and sings an anthem in the Holy Eucharist services once a month and on the feast days of Christmas and Easter.
Folk Group
The folk group consists of a mandolin and guitar. It plays twice per month at Holy Eucharist services.

Children's Choir
A children’s choir that also rehearses weekly and sings too with some regularity at the Holy Eucharist services.
Our Organ
In 1989, Epiphany came to have the first pipe organ in Socorro when St. Matthew’s church in Albuquerque closed to merge with neighboring St. Aidan’s and together form St. Mary’s. St. Matthew’s gave its one-manual organ to Epiphany. It was built by the firm Koehnken and Grimm of Cincinnati in 1885 and thought to be little altered. What became known as the “organ transplant” meant its being taken apart at St. Matthew’s by Epiphany parishioners, transported to Socorro and then reassembled by them.
Technical information about the Pipe Organ can be found here.