Our Vicars
Following is the record of Epiphany's vicars with visiting priests usually sent by the bishop serving between the indicated terms:

Hunter "Preacher" Lewis. Photo credit: Institute of Historical Survey

Henry Bird
Alfred Iliff, for two years in the 1890s.
F. T. Bennet, 1896.
Joseph McConnell, 1900-03.
Joseph Darling, 1904-06.
E. S. Doan, 1921-27.
Hunter "Preacher" Lewis, 1928-41.
Richmond Burge, (dates unknown)
Charles Henry, 1951-52.
Laurence Stueland, 1953-56.
Charles Olsen, 1957-59.
Barton Taylor, 1970-77.
Henry Bird, 1978-85.
Marion Canterbury, 1986-89.
Sandra Bess, 1988-92.
Carl Gockley (dates unknown)
Robert Whitaker, 1994.
Bill Easter, 1994-95
John "Jack" Russell, 1996-2001
Donald Cram, 2001.
Woodrow "Woody" Peabody, 2002-14.
Linda Wilson, 2016-19.
Stephen "Steve" Stephens, 2019-

Marion Canterbury, Epiphany's first woman priest